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Astrology Aspects

Wonder why certain astrology placements affect you differently than others? Some days are easier to get through and others are a bit more rough for you? Astrology aspects play a major role in that. With 12 signs, each individual sign has up to 30 degrees and each number affects you differently.

A conjunction occurs when two planets come close to each other in the sky, and their respective energies and qualities interact. It's like the celestial equivalent of asteroids merging. Conjunctions often bring about a positive and productive atmosphere, although at times, they can also bring intense emotional experiences. For example Mercury (communication) and Venus (relationships) indicates a strong emotional transformation.

A sextile in astrology occurs when two planets are positioned apart from each other. When it comes to elements, fire and air elements tend to harmonize effectively, while earth and water elements complement each other. This aspect is typically formed when planets are around 60 degrees away from each other. A sextile encourages expressions of sweetness, emotional openness, and embracing liberating aspects of life. This alignment enhances influences and opens up opportunities that can contribute to your advancement.

A square in astrology happens when two planets are separated by three zodiac signs, creating an angle of 90 degrees between them. This alignment spans across cardinal, mutable, and fixed signs, each interacting within its own category. Squares tend to bring about fast-paced energy that sparks conflicts, growth, and challenges. This alignment generates tension, drama, and difficulties that aren't easily resolved. The purpose of squares is to push you out of your comfort zone and evoke discomfort in order to stimulate personal growth and transformation.

A trine in astrology occurs when two planets are positioned around 120 degrees apart from each other. This aspect creates a harmonious alignment, allowing the energies of the planets to work well together. Trines are known to open doors for abundance, rewards, fortune, and knowledge. They facilitate a positive and smooth flow of energy that enables individuals to manifest their best qualities and improve areas of their lives they might struggle with. Trines can be relatively common in birth charts and hold the potential for positive influences, even though they are not always guaranteed. Example is Neptune with Jupiter would be alignment with dreams and fortune, Mars and Venus would be love and action.

An opposition in astrology refers to a situation where two planets are positioned directly opposite each other, forming an angle of 180 degrees. This separation corresponds to six zodiac signs. Like squares, oppositions function effectively within the categories of cardinal, mutable, or fixed signs. Opposing planets often mirror each other and work best when they unite, creating a dynamic tension.

Oppositions are known for highlighting polarities and encouraging a harmonious equilibrium, such as the balance between elements like water and fire, or earth and air. This aspect yields both challenging and favorable outcomes. This 180-degree angle presents an opportunity to address conflicts that might arise, and simultaneously allows space to pursue goals and aspirations.

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