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Mercury Retrograde in Aries

April 1st - April 25th

Aries is ruled by Mars which brings us lots of aggression, acting fast on impulse, being very down and sad (sorry Aries love you!), and taking risks.

During this time it’s important you’re double, triple checking plants before going through with them. Aries energy is all about “acting fast” and “just doing it” but at the same time, they’re always getting in their own way. Self sabotaging their own success. Aries tends to express themselves very freely not really caring about the other parties emotions so during this time people may speak to you very ruthlessly and not care of the outcome of how you might feel til after the fact.

Aries is a natural born leader, so making first impressions and reputation is important. This is a great retrograde for fixing/mending connections in your life and burning any extra energy you have piled up at the gym.

Most importantly — BE CAREFULLLLLL with vehicles, transportation, planning trips PERIOD! Accidents and injuries are prone to happening because people will be way more careless.

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