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Messages for the Signs

Aries - There’s an ultimatum that you’re being given right now. Does this relationship matter to you or does making money mean more to you? Someone could’ve left you out in the dark which gave you no choice to dive into working, or you did this to someone else. Communication will happen, but make sure you know what you want to do in the long run. You’re going to be meeting someone who has many similarities with you right now and they could be lifting you up.

Taurus - Your finances and resources could have you feeling a little restricted and tied down right now especially with it being holidays. You could even be experiencing seasonal depression through another level. You’re wanting to level up and you have been! This time right now is for resting and not making any sudden moves. You’re getting your last word in from a connection and then you’re choosing to transition into something better, congratulations for not staying stagnant and choosing yourself.

Gemini - Yes, everything you’re trying to do is working in your favor and will be brought into fruition but it’s going to take time. Focus on trying to become a better version of you, you’re growing into such a beautiful person. You have a lot of fears around the idea of what you think success is, and Spirits saying remember how confident you are. There could be a sudden ending that happens in a relationship that has caused you to become distracted as well. This feeling will pass.

Cancer - Wisdom and logic have been on your mind a lot more than usual lately. You’ve been in a place where you’re choosing to stick with yourself and socialize with people in your circle, no more no less. You could be more in tune with your emotions and more aware of deception and illusion. Be careful with reacting. Someone around you could be wanting you to “loosen” up some more. Have a little bit more faith in your team and don’t overwork yourself, your moneys rolling in.

Cancer - Wisdom and logic have been on your mind a lot more than usual lately. You’ve been in a place where you’re choosing to stick with yourself and socialize with people in your circle, no more no less. You could be more in tune with your emotions and more aware of deception and illusion. Be careful with reacting. Someone around you could be wanting you to “loosen” up some more. Have a little bit more faith in your team and don’t overwork yourself, your moneys rolling in.

Cancer - Wisdom and logic have been on your mind a lot more than usual lately. You’ve been in a place where you’re choosing to stick with yourself and socialize with people in your circle, no more no less. You could be more in tune with your emotions and more aware of deception and illusion. Be careful with reacting. Someone around you could be wanting you to “loosen” up some more. Have a little bit more faith in your team and don’t overwork yourself, your moneys rolling in.

Virgo - Spirits been encouraging you to let go of something that’s been causing you to feel restricted for some time. It could be a romantic situation or something regarding family or work. Your efforts and hardships are going unnoticed but you have much to offer. Allow an ending or separation to happen and then everything else thats been blocking you will fall into place. Use your energy to manifest into something better and more fulfilling.

Libra - You’ve been lying to yourself for quite some time now. You have been hiding the fact that you’re so much stronger than what you’re really willing to admit. You’ve been receiving messages from Spirit left and right but you haven’t been paying attention. Touch basis with yourself and acknowledge your efforts. You’re trying thats what matters. You could be getting pushed to go out, or do something not in your comfort zone. (Say yes!)

Scorpio - There’s a feeling of needing to get away from your own reality right now. You’re trying to make sense of it but you’re just emotionally drained. Nothing seems to excite you. You’ve been ignoring your intuition as well. For some of you friendships have made you stressed out and others it could be work. You have all of these ideas to give birth to and success sounds so nice coming from you…. But you have no courage. Look into collaborating with likeminded people or reach out to close friends for guidance!

Sagittarius- Everything that glitters isn’t gold. Work is going great and your finances having been improving. Communication is great in relationships. Friendships are blossoming. However, there may be some disappointment around a connection that you were really invested into. 888 could be significant for you. You’ve been spending money, time, and more effort than you’d usually do. For some of you this connection isn’t long term, its for pleasure and just talking. Its a karmic relationship. Limit your spending. Express your emotions.

Capricorn - Stop making excuses as to why you don’t want to be social! You’ve been stuck in your head for some time now and not doing right by self. You’ve been improving your habits, studying more, and working on daily routines so you’re feeling pretty good right now. You’re seeing the results of your hard work being paid off, it’s starting off pretty slow but progress is happening. Be weary of sharing finances or accounts with people., there could be deception around those areas. Legal manners as well.

Pisces - You’re walking away from smoothing thats been leaving you in the dark for some time. This could be a work situation thats caused you to miss out on money and hours, or even the spare time that you’re used to having. You’re realizing your purpose doesn’t fit that environment anymore. Some of you it could be a touchy situation. There’s been hidden secrets and tension developing behind the scenes and you’re becoming aware of it. Some of you a truth coming to the light could upset you, but it’ll be healing in the long run. Open yourself to bigger, wider doors.

Aquarius - You’ve been sitting with doubt for quite some time now Aquarius, but why? You’re so dependable and confident in literally everything that you do. Some of you have been feeling anti social more recently than usual, and you could even feel as if the work that you currently do isn’t being properly credited. Continue being yourself and showing up for yourself. Your status doesn’t matter, people will still adore you. You could meet someone who brings out your inner child and their communication is sharp, trust what your intuition is telling you about them though.

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