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Who was Lilith in the Bible? What role does she play in Astrology?

In the Bible...

During Biblical times, according to certain Jewish folklore and writings, Lilith was said to have been created as Adam's first wife before Eve. In this narrative, Adam and Lilith reportedly had numerous disagreements concerning issues of sexual pleasure and power dynamics. These conflicts eventually led Lilith to leave Adam, which was considered inappropriate by divine standards.

Lilith supposedly desired more than what she had been granted and chose not to return to Adam despite a warning from God. As part of this story, it's said that God warned Lilith that many of her children would die if she didn't reconcile with Adam. Despite having many children, Lilith reportedly remained unfazed by this threat. In this version of the tale, Lilith is often characterized as a rebellious figure who challenged societal norms.

How it plays in Astrology...

In Biblical times, she was often perceived as an evil or demonic figure, but this perception differs within astrology. In astrological contexts, Lilith encourages a deeper connection with one's selflessness, sexual desires, personal power, and a departure from conventional beliefs. It primarily symbolizes our profound aspirations and the apprehensions that hold us back from pursuing them, as well as the potential for transformation that we fear embracing. What aspects of yourself are you avoiding? What truths are you hiding? Lilith's influence brings these hidden facets to light—our innermost shadows.

In astrology, Lilith also signifies experiences from past lives where excessive confidence might have been displayed or where one's beliefs were suppressed or misconstrued. This perspective delves into the echoes of history that shape our present expressions and behaviors.

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